Saturday, 20 December 2014

Coming Out At Christmas as a Gay Runner

OK – let’s try again…

…I tried to write a brief season’s greetings post. It’s over two-thousand words long. I spent a little longer than planned reviewing 2014 and looking ahead to 2015. So I’ll leave that in my drafts for now: there’s still time for a self-congratulatory post between now and the end of the year. But, for now…

A HAPPY 2015!!!

I hope your 2014’s been good. Mine has. It’s been…

…the year I’ve come out. As a gay runner.

Remember when we first met? If in my early days as a runner, it was when my blog was called “I Can’t Stand Running”. And I couldn’t, for reasons I covered time and again. But, over time, over miles, something changed. I started to enjoy my runs. Some are still harder to enjoy than others, and to get me through those (typically those 4:30am wintery twenty-milers) I hang on to that sense of satisfaction I know I’ll feel when I step back into the house. But otherwise… yeah, I smile more now. Look!

Santa Gia, Scrooge Dom, Santa Rich... and Tim

And for that I thank the runners I’ve met out there over the past two and a half years. Those who, without blunting my competitive edge, have helped me to smile mid-pursuit. Pursuit of happiness, of a goal, of a PR… but all pursuits about and around my little self. All competition is against myself and my Garmin. There’s the occasional Strava CR pursuit, but even those are fewer than before, and not just because there are some faster kids on the block around here..!

So yes, these days I’m a gay runner. I run with a smile on my face, albeit race photos reveal it to not be quite as broad as I imagine it to be. But, in the words of Scottish balladeer (and fellow Ultra runner) William Robertson, I “smile every mile”. Fellow Little Stoke parkrunner Bob Cox yesterday referred to my “trademark tutu” – which is great! I’ve only worn it three times, and never for longer than 10k – I’m hardly in Mike’s league. But still… it’s cool!

Running makes me happy. Family and friends make me happy. It’s been a good year. Yes, it’s featured three epileptic seizures: but, as I’ve always said, we all have our cross to bear and, all in all, mine’s lighter than most. It’s also featured over three-thousand miles, or least it will (OK, ‘should’) have done by Monday morning – and that’s a lot of smiles. If not necessarily on Monday morning itself…

Thanks Jonathan Pearce for spending
his Saturday morning photographing
Santas, Elves, reindeer et al -
parkrun volunteers are the best!
You rarely see me as gay as this!
And so with another shot from today’s Little Stoke parkrun I leave you, friends. My time today wasn’t great, not least because I didn’t hear the countdown and the go! (too busy yakking to Rich) – and running to and fro local business park Aztec West with a laptop-ladened backpack on Monday, having run 39 miles four days prior to that, probably didn’t help, either. So more than happy with 20’22”. But far, far happier with the Christmas atmosphere, the fancy dress, with seeing not just Tim and Simon but also Dom, Bob, Rich, Kate, Ben and others – and having a nice, Saturday morning chat. Because otherwise I’d stick to my old routine and just run 5k along nearby Down Road, without all the faffing that goes with getting to a park some fifteen miles away. Because it’s not just about the running. It never is.

This time last year, Mike (one of two guys I often cross when heading back after morning runs) labelled me in a Christmas card as “the friendly runner”. High praise indeed. I’m still friendly: I’m just gay, too. Whatever next?

Indeed, whatever next? What might 2015 hold? Er… I’ll tell you next time. Or this will end up as “War And Peace”!

Just one note on that: I was kindly told I’m missed at the local tennis club by someone with whom I used to play. They’d like to see me back. And sure, part of me misses the game. I was good at it, too: quite possibly better at it than I am at running, although I had had far longer to hone my craft! But, because I was good at it, I also took a confrontational approach. You can’t win at tennis without whoever’s opposite you losing. It’s war – or, as I often called it, “boxing without contact”. Whereas running… you can win at running without coming first (just as well!), you can even win with the guy driving you home leaving you in his wake. Just like three weeks ago, when I set a 5k PB but still trailed behind Tim as well as Simon (I always trail behind Simon – whereas it’s a more even contest with Tim!). Running leaves me content, at peace with myself. And, right now, I’m happy to choose peace over war. Sorry Sue / Mrs Ryan.

And on that note, at sub-800 words, I’ll call it a wrap…

…Merry Christmas, friends! Thanks for reading my ramblings and wafflings* – and stay healthy and happy throughout 2015!


* sorry. I do waffling far, far better than wassailing. Even as a gay runner at Christmas.

p.s.: to be clear,  I’ll try to #smileeverymile - but not every yard! I retain the right to grumpiness, as per the shot below from this years Highland Fling (Martin Hookway being the happy chuff)!

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