Friday, 29 November 2013

Not Just About MY Running!

Right then – here’s an idea…
…why don’t you write summat for a change?

I’m nicking this idea from award-winning* blogger Ian Rands, of A United View fame. During the 2012 close season, Ian posted an open invite to his army of Sheffield United followers to write about their “Favourite Blade”. Many of us contributed, making for a walk down memory Lane far more pleasant than most walks to The Lane these days…

…so here’s my question for you: Who are your running heroes?

It might be Seb. Or Steve. Or Paul. Or Daley. But, equally, it could be…

…Mum? Dad? That loony you’d see running while you were growing up? Or maybe the inspiration came from something that happened in your life, rather than someone who touched it?

Indeed, it could be anyone or anything. Personally, I believe elite athletes generate interest (especially when you’re young), but don’t ultimately inspire you to get out there and run. I wrote as much on my old blog, “I Can’t Stand Running”, last February, when I said:

“Because, no matter what the press would like you to think, it’s not the likes of Mo Farah that inspire adults to run. Kids, maybe: seeing Seb Coe (as he was back then) win gold in L.A. in 1984 gave me an adrenaline rush, it just didn’t last long. But sane, responsible, time-constrained, weight-unconstrained adults are not going to watch a skinny bloke run 5k in 13’41”66 and think: “Oh yes, I can do that!”. Because they can’t. If anything, such feats can be disheartening.”

By the way – don’t worry, your contribution needn’t be as long as my posts! Just as few or as many words as you need to describe your running hero(es) and how they motivated you, more or less knowingly, to lace up and get out there. Might just be the one, might be more: your call entirely.

You never know, I might write one myself… but don
’t let that put you off! Your go first!

So – fancy sending me a few words?

Oh, that’s right – you need an e-mail address…
…DM me on Twitter and I’ll get it over. Though, to be fair, odds are you have it already – as part of discussions about HP40, Chester or whatever…

…and I know there’s no close season in running! Fear not (or do!): I’m still beavering away. Got three posts started already. But it’ll take me a while to finish them, for different reasons. So – on your marks, get set… type!


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